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Military Studies (Graduate): Find Web Resources

How to Find Web Resources

How do I find web resources for my research?

You can find web resources by searching the Internet with your keywords. When searching the Internet, it is important that you analyze your sources carefully to make sure the information is correct and unbiased.

The domain of a website (the suffix at the end of a web address) can be a good indicator of the the website's authority and accuracy.

Domain Suffix Type Description Credible?
.com Commercial  Businesses No
.gov Government  Branches of the United States federal government Yes
.edu Higher Education Colleges, universities Yes
.org Non-Profit Organization  Charitable, religious, or lobbying groups Yes
.mil Military Branches of the United States Armed Forces Yes
.net Internet Service Provider  Catch-all for various different types of websites No
As you conduct your research, you may find website sources providing information, research or commentary. As with any source outside the CSU Library, please fully evaluate it and make sure it meets your assignment's resource requirements. If you have questions about using a website for your research, please contact your professor.

Evaluating Websites as Research Sources

How do I know if a website is credible?

Use this checklist to help you evaluate the credibility of websites as research sources.