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Criminal Justice (Graduate)

This guide supports the research needs of graduate students enrolled in Criminal Justice courses.

Organizations & Associations

The oldest and largest correctional association in the world, this association serves all disciplines within the corrections profession. Explore the links at the top, particularly the publications tab, which contains links to the publication Corrections Today

The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences is a professional organization dedicated to criminal justice research, education, and policy analysis. ACJS promotes scholarly research and professional activities within the discipline of criminal justice for educators and practitioners. The Academy provides a forum for disseminating ideas related to issues in research, policy, teaching, and education within the field. Explore the Publications tab at the top to access documents of interest.

Created by the Texas Legislature in 1989, LEMIT is one of the largest and most sophisticated statewide preparation programs for police management in the United States and is nationally recognized for its initiatives to develop the administrative, analytical, and executive skills of current and future law enforcement officials.  Click here to access white papers on law enforcement policies and practices written by graduates of the Leadership Command College.

Established in 1973, HAPCOA is the oldest and largest association in the U. S. of Hispanic American command officers from law enforcement and criminal justice agencies at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels.

JRSA conducts and publishes policy-relevant research on justice issues, provides training and technical assistance, and maintains a clearing house of state criminal justice activities. Of particular interest are the Publications and Resources tabs.

Founded in 1976 during a symposium to address crime in low-income urban areas, NOBLE's mission is "to ensure equity in the administration of justice in the provision of public service to all communities, and to serve as the conscience of law enforcement by being committed to justice by action."