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Mathematics: Reference Materials

A guide to resources on mathematics.

Attention Students:

Reference materials contain established knowledge in the form of encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, bibliographies, almanacs, directories, etc. Students should contact their professor to determine whether the use of encyclopedias is allowed. Also, please view the Wikipedia Statement provided below. 

Wikipedia Statement

Using Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a site containing content that is collaboratively produced. This collaborative editing may be performed by individuals who may or may not be proficient or learned in the subject on which they are writing. The uncensored and unverified opinions contained in and on the Wikipedia site cannot be used for substantiating hypotheses or conclusions. Wikipedia absolutely cannot be used as a source in bibliographic citations, quotes, scholarly work, or assignments.

Please use the Library databases for acquiring reliable research resources. If the information that you need cannot be acquired from the databases, please contact your CSU library staff for assistance by emailing or by telephoning toll-free to 1.877.268.8046.