The official APA website contains a wide variety of support materials for using this style in your writing process. The full edition of the APA Style guide is not free, but the support documents are freely accessible.
The Basics of Style shows users how to do the following:
The APA Style Blog is a great resource for citation information created by the APA experts. Information at the site covers the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.
Have questions on writing and citation creation? For more information, please click on the tutorials below presented by the CSU Success Center.
Individual References
*Note - When citing information from a database, use the DOI (digital object identifier). If no DOI is available, no retrieval information will be included in the reference. List the author, date, title, journal name, volume number, issue number, and page number. The name of the journal and the volume number will be in italics. The issue number will be in parentheses.