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Orientation Live!

Orientation Live!

New to CSU? Need a library refresher? 

Offered every Tuesday at 6:00 PM CST and every Friday at 2:00 PM CST, Orientation Live! is a 15-minute video conference session led by a CSU librarian.

During Orientation Live! a librarian will:

  • Provide you with an overview of the library's resources and services
  • Take you on a tour of the CSU Library
  • Show you where to find databases as well as guides and tutorials to help you with your research
  • Discuss how to contact the librarians to get research help
  • Lead a question & answer time where you can ask any questions you may have about library research

Click the box below to enter the video conference meeting room:

Attend Orientation Live! box

The audio will be muted until the session begins. If you experience sound and video issues during the presentation, try logging off and logging back in again.

If you need technical assistance, you may reach CSU Technical Support at 1-800-977-8449, ext. 6540.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Not available on Fridays at 2 PM CST? Request Orientation-On-Demand!