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National Distance Learning Week 2023: Events Nov. 7th

AI and the Future of Distance Learning!


Your responses:

"I foresee the future of distance education as a nothing but growing. Due to the current work demand, increased inflation, and multiple time commitments of many, I see more and more students looking towards distance education to fulfil their needs for further education. Many students, especially adult learners, do not have the time to commit to a traditional brick and mortar type education. Distance education is the only logical pathway for this. Also with many adults looking towards higher paying jobs, this will put an increased demand for distance learning. I believe AI is going to play an integral part of this continued demand for distance education. It will allow professors to be able to better focus on their students as it will assist them with the copious amount of work required for them to complete the course requirements. It will have its draw backs. I fear the overuse of students abusing these systems to complete their course work and not fully gaining the knowledge required with each course. I am personally seeing this used more as my children are in middle school. I have seen them attempting to use it to complete their writing projects now."


"In the future, distance education will be characterized by a seamless blend of cutting-edge technology and innovative pedagogy. Enhanced internet infrastructure, coupled with the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), will create immersive learning experiences. Personalized learning paths driven by artificial intelligence will cater to individual preferences and needs, while global accessibility will break down geographical barriers. Interactive assessments and collaborative tools will redefine how students engage with course content and each other. AI-powered tutoring and support will offer real-time assistance, and microcredentials will provide focused, stackable certifications for lifelong learning. Data-driven insights and ethical considerations will underpin the evolving landscape of online education, ensuring that learners receive high-quality, tailored experiences that equip them for success in an increasingly digital world. It's crucial to ensure that sensitive information about students is handled responsibly and that AI systems are transparent and accountable. Additionally, there's a concern about over-reliance on AI, potentially diminishing the role of human educators and the interpersonal aspect of learning."


"I see more interactivity, due to more information being processed quicker and can be customized to different jurisdictions in the same class at the same time; a "replay" can be shown to the class to show the different "options" that are available, if applicable."


"Thinking about achieving your educational goals from a distance is very important because you have the flexibility to work and vacation and learn on the go. I believe that Artificial Intelligence will play a significant role in achieving your educational goals during research but for CSU there are guidelines regarding the use of artificial intelligence. For CSU assignments all information obtained using Artificial Intelligence must to be tested for peer review because the information was generated so students must prove its accuracy. I'm excited about AI for only one reason it gives me the kickstart or an idea about a particular topic. I don't really use AI during my assignments because it increases my research because I'll have to prove its accuracy and sometimes peer review."


"With the new generation of students not wanting to attend college on a schedule or in a traditional manor distance learning is evolving and will continue to evolve to meet demand. AI and technology in general are also at the forefront of education changing how we answer and how we learn AI is causing us to evaluate how education is communicated and perceived. It is my hope that an AI is not used as a teacher in the place of an actual teacher. AI can not replace a human however it can shape how we view, learn, discuss, evolve. AI should be used to improve, empower not replace. It is my hope that AI help shape education not make education more difficult just because AI is being used more as a tool."


"Although there are promising applications for artificial intelligence in the classroom, such as individualized instruction and increased access, there are also legitimate worries about data security, prejudice, and the loss of human jobs. To fully realize its promise while minimizing its risks, it is essential to strike the correct balance and ensure ethical and responsible usage of AI in education."


"I envision distance education growing beyond expectations, not only for undergraduate and graduate students but for learning resources for major companies. I saw this coming during my time in the United States Navy as many facets of our continuing education had transitioned to computer based led by an instructor in a remote location. Let's face it, you can't bring an instructor for every subject to every servicemember on-duty globally! I think that AI will integrate itself into distance learning however, there needs to be safeguards and controls implemented to ensure quality and safety. My youngest child just entered junior high school and too often there are students not applying any effort to their work and think that AI will complete their assignments for them. It's entertaining to see some of the results of AI generated school assignments. I do appreciate the quickness of a response from an AI search to generate ideas for research however, being the Gen-Xer that I am, I still need to dig on my own to be sure I am not being misguided."


"In the future, distance education will continue to grow and become more sophisticated thanks to advancements in technology. One big part of this progress will be the influence of AI. AI can do a lot: it can give personalized learning experiences, take care of repetitive tasks, check out how students are doing, and make virtual learning more engaging. It's also good at looking through loads of data to spot patterns in how well students are doing. This helps teachers know when a student might be having trouble and allows them to help early. What role do you think Artificial Intelligence will play? Concerns about educational AI involve fairness, access, relying too much on technology, and how data is used. These concerns could make the gap in education bigger, reduce the important guidance from teachers, and raise issues about keeping student information private and safe. What are your concerns and what makes you excited about the use of AI in education? Educational technology can customize learning, make administrative work easier, and change how teachers teach. It can give good education to people everywhere, no matter where they live, and always make teaching methods, what students learn, and the help they get better. Distance education using advanced technology has a lot of potential, but it's important to balance things by focusing on doing it right, being fair, and keeping people involved for making things better all the time."


"Distance education could lead to a world where all people have access to high-quality education, no matter where they live or what they do. It is expected that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a large role in making this happen in today's society. A number of benefits can be gained from the use of artificial intelligence in the learning process, such as providing feedback in real time, providing assessment in real time, and creating immersive environments for learning. Students can receive detailed feedback on their work using AI-powered grading systems, as well as tailored tutoring based on individual student needs. Virtual reality simulations can also be created with AI to give students a completely new experience of learning. It is also true that there are some concerns associated with the use of artificial intelligence in education. One of the concerns with the use of artificial intelligence is that it can be used to spy on and control students. Using AI in an unfair and unequal way could exacerbate existing inequalities in education. In spite of these concerns, I'm excited about AI's potential to revolutionize distance learning. Using AI can help us make our educational system more learner-centered and effective. The use of AI in distance education could make education more accessible, affordable, and effective."