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Empirical Research: Business Research

Empirical Research

  • Reports research based on experience, observation or experiment
  • Tests a hypothesis against real data
  • May use quantitative research methods that generate numerical data to establish causal relationships between variables 
  • May use qualitative research methods that analyze behaviors, beliefs, feelings, or values 

Business Research

For empirical research studies, especially targeting Business topics, you could explore the database options below.

In each database, select the box for Peer Reviewed or Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journals to help filter the results to the type of publication that would have empirical research.

Sample Search Strategy

 In the databases you can search phrases in quotation marks like "qualitative research", "qualitative research", "empirical research", etc.

If for example you are seeking qualitative research studies in business, you could try searching in the Business Source Ultimate database for: "empirical research" AND business. The peer reviewed box would need to be selected to filter the results to review only the peer reviewed scholarly/academic journals.



For healthcare related topics you could try these databases:


As you move through your research, if you have questions on selecting a topic or verification of a source, please feel free to connect with the course professor. The course professor is the resource for clarification of course content and assignment expectations.