The library's Publication Finder tool can help you locate specific journal titles within the CSU Library. Publication Finder is accessible through the "E-Journals" box on the library homepage.
WorldCat is an online library catalog that allows you to search the collections of thousands of libraries from around the world.
If you need an article that is not available in full-text here in the CSU Library, you can search WorldCat to see if a library near where you live has access to it. Most libraries have outside patron policies and will permit you to use their resources within the building and will often allow you to obtain digital copies of articles or copy or print any articles you need.
See How to Use WorldCat for instructions on searching within this resource.
Upon accessing Publication Finder, enter the journal title, subject, ISSN number, or browse by publications:
In the results list, click on a database link to access the journal:
The CSU librarians can support you during the research process with personalized reference services. We are happy to help you with the following tasks: